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Shivali India Foundation

Shivali Mahila Samaj Seva Sansthan is a non-governmental organization (NGO) founded in the rural and backward areas of Uttar Pradesh, including the tribal regions of Sonbhadra. Established under the Indian Societies Registration Act of 1860, the organization is dedicated to fostering sustainable development and uplifting marginalized communities through its multifaceted programs. With a primary focus on poverty alleviation, women empowerment, healthcare, sanitation, education, and environmental protection, the NGO operates under the guiding principle of “SHEEL.”



Our aim is to improve the lives of the poorest & most marginalised people of society by improving access to pure water,sanitation.



Our goal is to bring healthcare services to the doorsteps of as well as to promoting healthcare awareness among the deprived.



We want our children to become capable, assets of society, which is why our mission is helping them realise their highest calibre.



Shivali India takes up a new challenge: to reverse DeForestation that endangers the fragile equilibrium of our planet.



Our Livelihood Program Work for a given life span, involving securing water, food, fodder, medicine, shelter, clothing etc.

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₹ 10,203 of ₹ 30,000 raised

Juggernaut Plantation Drive

EnvironmentA mission to plant One Hundred Fifty One Plants with a vision to plant approx one tree per head according to the polpulation of India.